All You Need to Know
in a Nutshell

No more confusion and googling hassle, here's all you need to know
about specifics of research all in a nutshell.

How to Format a Research Paper?

Font, Spacing, what to bold and italicize?

FORM: Typewritten
MEDIUM: English

Paper• Bond Paper Size: Letter (8.5 x 11 cm)
• Margin: 1 inch
Text• Font: Times New Roman or Bookman Old Style
• Font Size: 12
• Double Spaced
• Justified
• POV: 3rd Person
Headers• Bold (Not-Italicized)
Subheadings for RRLs• Bold & Italicized
• Arranged depending on importance
Figures• Location: Top or bottom of the picture
• Format: Italicized & not Bold
• Centered
References• Hanging Indentation
• Justified
• Alphabetically Arranged

What is a Research Variable?

- Is a characteristic of an individual or organization that can be observed and measured, and it can vary among the people or organizations being studied.
- A feature with the potential to change, typically one that may influence or reflect a relationship or outcome.

What is "Sampling Method" in Research?

Sampling is the selection of a subset of the research study's target population.

Probability Sampling - random selection, allowing you to make strong statistical inferences about the whole group.
Non-probability Sampling - involves non-random selection based on convenience or other criteria, allowing you to easily collect data.
• The Population is the entire group.
Sampling frame - the actual list of individuals that the sample will be drawn from.
• The sample is the specific group of individuals taken from the sampling frame.
Sample size - number of individuals.

What is Statistical Analysis?

Statistical Analysis is the process of gathering and analyzing data to find patterns and trends.
But which statistic test should I use?

If you're not sure what statistics calculator you require, check out the Which Statistics Test?

What is a Research Design?

Research Design
- the blueprint for the selection, measurement, and analysis of data
- assists in making sure that the research methods meet the objectives
- enables researchers to select the appropriate type of analysis for their data